【グリーンチャレンジvol3】 GreenChallenge
★裂き編みでキッチンマット作り 母の日ということもあり、Tシャツなどの布から簡単に作れる「裂き編マット」をご紹介します!
・写真1:本の表紙(本や活動についてhttp://www.fragmentsmag.com/2013/12/precious-book/) ・写真2:古いTシャツを裂き紐状にしかぎ針で編みます。 ・写真3:「用意するもの」「編み方の説明」
私は古いボーダーTシャツを裂いて作りました。 どんな布でも縦に裂き、テープ状にして編むだけです。 円や四角など好きな形で作ることができる他、枠を違うカラーで編んだり花をつけたりすることもできるので、自由にご自分ならではの「オリジナルマット」作りに、ぜひ挑戦してみてくださいね。
【Green Idea Sharing #3 - Crocheting a kitchen mat with up-cycled torn T-shirt yarn】
Tomorrow is Mother's Day, so I would like to introduce how to crochet a kitchen mat that you can easily up-upcylce your old T-shirt or any fabric.
I introduced and taught how to crochet items with torn yarn to the ladies who was affected by Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 to support them mentally and financially, and one of my themes was "up-cycling".
I have published a book on this support project, and I have posted here a few photos from the book as an instruction to make a kitchen mat which was the most popular item at the time.
*Photo #1 : Cover of the book
*Photo #2: Tear an old T-shirt into strips, then crochet into the shape you like
*Photo #3: "What you need" and instruction (sorry that the book is available only in Japanese). *Photo #4: A kitchen mat that I made with up-cycled my old T-shirt *Photo #5: Items that ladies who were from the project that I supported made
I used my old border striped T-shirt to make a kitchen mat, but you can just tear any cloth into strips and crochet in round, square or any kind of shape you like, and you can also add a trim in a different color or even add a flower on, so why don't you try to make your own original designs?